Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Not the best hair day for me today! Slept on wet hair to save myself the time showering this morning, and forgot that my hair doesn't take well to being slept on...ever.  Oh well, I will just have to keep working on my well-coiffed Paris "look".
Today, we went on a tour of "les cryptes" underneath Notre Dame; basically the foundations of ancient Paris dating as far back as the Roman Empire! Then we walked around the streets surrounding Notre Dame finding the few buildings that survived the major Haussman reorganization and redesign of Paris in the mid 19th century.  In one of the oldest buildings on a street right behind Notre Dame that we went into, a name on one of the mailboxes was "Quasimoto"! How crazy is that!?? We did the obligatory round inside Notre Dame, which was beautiful by the way; I was able to appreciate it more than the first time that I was there, Christmas Day 1999, when I fell asleep during the latin mass :) How the time flies!
Tomorrow I am getting lunch with an old Paris friend who I am so excited to see after a few years :) It is weird and great how I have been able to stay in touch with some of the great friends I made as a child in Paris.
The longer I am here, the more love I feel for the city; it feels comfortable, like it fits me snuggly, and is a perfect mix of new excitement, and old comforts and good friends and family.  I had dinner with my host family again last night along with Mme's brother and sister in law! This was a lot of fun as they were all very talkative and it was interesting to talk to them, and listen to them sharing horror stories of building parties, and memories of when Mme first moved into the apartment (right around 28 years ago, before her daughter was born!) The couple is pretty funny to listen to :) Tomorrow I am going to see "Le Bourgeois Gentillhome", and then Thursday we have a visit to le marché Richard Lenoir (my market as I call it, since it is directly outside of the front door to my apartment!), and le Marais.  Thursday I am eating dinner with M. and his daughter, who is 28 and is coming over to visit! He told me she speaks better english than he does (which isn't saying much as far as I can tell haha), if I feel like I want a break!
Unfortunately the temperature has sooooort of been plummeting and today I was particularly cold, along with everyone else :(  I am on the lookout for some new boots, but have now added to the list a huge knitted scarf and maybe different gloves!
Bisous! A Bientot :) xxx

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