Tuesday, March 13, 2012

La vie en rose :)

Today was one of those "first beautiful and warm day of the year" days, where I immediately put on shorts for a few hours, even if it was inside, where I start to get giddy about the spring and summer....oh and I get to be in Paris for this beautiful day, which makes it just the tiniest bit more beautiful.  Someone was saying that being in Paris (or any other new place) makes us so happy because we want to do everything because it is new.  This is so true.  While there are undoubtedly a millions thing I have yet to do and see in Boston and Baltimore, it is so easy to fall into a groove of doing the same things over and over again, and not always taking the time to stop and go that extra five blocks out of the way, just to see what the new streets look like.  Here, (especially in the last week that it has been gorgeous outside), every time I go to descend into a metro station, I ask myself why not just walk to the next one and see what I see? today I walked around a bunch and took a round about way home just so I could find a few delicious macarons.  I have been wanting them for ages but today I decided to just go for it.  They gave them to me  tied up in a pretty bag, and I held it gently all the way home-by the time I got there I may have been drooling just a little bit!
I keep having to remind myself that I only get to live this life for a little while, relatively speaking, so why not explore? I'll never be in this moment again, even though it is easy to forget that.  This is such a unique experience and I think the first experience that I have ever been fully invested in from the start and each moment, if that makes sense?  So it makes me want to do and see everything, but also just sit on a bench and eat a macaron (I'm nothing if not a savorer of food:) The city is so beautiful; I keep saying this to people, but it almost spoils me when I'm traveling around, because even though every city I have been to thus far is beautiful and unique, I still feel like nothing rivals Paris (even the sound of french is intoxicatingly beautiful).  
It makes me wonder where life will take me...being back here makes me simultaneously want to live in Paris, and never leave, but also makes my stomach ache a little bit sometimes with how much I love home and especially summer in the US.  I can't imagine leaving here in a few months, which again is the first time I have ever felt like that about a place other than my house, but sometimes a song on spotify or the smell of warm breeze twists at me and reminds me how much I love my life at home. Like I said, being here makes me savor many more moments, and also memories of how lucky and happy my life is in general.  I think Paris will always be an enigma for me; full of memories that hop back into mind at the most random times, but also containing so many things unexplored; fitting into the city and language like an old glove, but knowing inside that I'm not really from here too.  I do feel like Paris and days like today will be hard to ever really get out of my system.  

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