Friday, March 16, 2012

Hunger Games Premiere in Paris!!

Last night turned into one of the coolest nights ever! One of my dreams came true and I went to the HUNGER GAMES PREMIERE in Paris!! The main cast was there (Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Elizabeth Banks, as well as the author Suzanne Collins and the director!) My friend and I (due to being scrappy) were right at the barricade so we were able to get great pictures of all of them, and say hi to them too! Josh Hutcherson even signed my hand because I didn't have anything else to sign!!(note to self: signing hand is better than signing a poster or something, because even though it ultimately washes away, the person has to physically HOLD YOUR HAND while they sign it....which is OBVIOUSLY a plus!!).  We made it known that we were from the US because we figured they would appreciate english speakers amidst all those pesky frenchies with badly written signs :)
Now I am SO excited to see the movie when it comes out on Wednesday (funnily enough it comes out here two full days before it does in the US...not really sure why-that NEVER happens, and it is the most popular by far in the US, so I'm confused! Not complaining though!)
A bientot, Gillian xoxo

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