Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lovely weekend "en famille" a Lyon!

Le weekend dernier....I spent a wonderful three days in Lyon with the Cayrol family, my distant cousins ("cousins eloignés") through my maternal grandfather.  In short, the weekend was full of wonderful, delicious, spectacular food cooked by my cousin Lucie (whole fish, homemade sausage tomato sauce, TIRAMISU, delicious tartine breakfasts with homemade peach jam and cafe au lait, you get my drift!), sightseeing in Lyon (and having the great fortune of seeing many of the beautiful churches light up as the sun went down), spending time with family (and learning pre-teen french slang/"argot", and playing policier games with the neighborhood ten year olds haha).  It was a great weekend, and my french definitely was given a run for its money trying to maneuver through the southern france accent of the husband, as well as the "kid talk" that I wasn't used to!  I did learn new words, for example for a scooter, and for a hair-tie :) And I was kind (read stupid) enough to give my email address to the ten year old!  Needless to say, after a mere two hour train ride back to Paris, I opened my computer to find three funny, short emails from Mathilde; I take it I will probably continue to receive them at this frequency, she said something about even emailing her next door neighbors!  It's ok, it's cute :) I also came back with two pretty drawings from Mathilde and Perrine, and a silver key chain from their parents, as well as some perfume from Lucie (and even better, a jar of the peach jam!) They really were so nice and welcoming, just as I remembered from when I was younger.  Also my french definitely improved since this was most likely the longest I have gone literally speaking not a SINGLE word of English at a time!  I had an amazing time, and I especially enjoyed my chats with Lucie which lasted late into the night :) She was really a wonderful hostess!  I hope to visit them again in the future, hopefully before the next ten-year mark!
A bientot xoxo 

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