Monday, January 9, 2012

a little bit sleepy to be blogging zzzz...

The past day and a half since I arrived at my homestay family have been fun but also a taaaad bit overwhelming.  The combination of everything that has to be set up for school, visa, insurance, bank, rent, transportation, and cellphone plus the constantly having to think, breathe, speak, listen in French is a bit of a shock.  That being said-being forced to speak only french at a minimum for three or so hours a day with my host family has already noticeably gotten me to the point where I barely think before answering and the couple have complimented me on "mon accent" et "mon syntex", which is nice reinforcement of my efforts.  They also demonstrated their knowledge of American culture tonight during dinner, when it came up that they enjoy watching Desperate Housewives, Miami Vice, NCIS, and Zee Good Wife (haha).  It was funny trying to decipher their english accents and listen to them complain about trying to understand people speaking with british, irish, and yes Texas (I think they meant southern American accents in general!) accents...Still feeling a bit homesick, but getting to spend the day with my fellow BC students a Paris and hearing about their similarly awkward and new experiences and talking to my parents briefly helped.  Got a little sleepy on a bus tour of Paris, but it was really helpful in terms of mentally visualizing the layout of the city and what is near to what.  Still trying to get a grip on coordinating skype with people in the US!  I hope to look back next week and realize how well settled I am and relaxed by then compared to now!

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