Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meeting my homestay family...DUHN DUH!

After two lovely days with the Cooks...where I laughed pretty much constantly :) I finally met my homestay couple and moved into their apartment in the 11th!  The location is great and cool because I don't know all that much about it going into it.  Both "parents" are really nice and told me my french is great...but there is definitely a bit of "first day living with strangers" awkwardness haha which I'm sure will go away over time!  Tomorrow I regroup with the BC group and Ophelie, and get a metro card and potentially a new cell phone...since I just realized that the one my friend gave me from Lyon only functions until March...and I'm here until June/July.  Regardless I will have to put credits on whatever phone I end up with...lots to do, even more to take in from my surroundings :) feeling excited/nervous/ a tad homesick/most of all sleepy :) (although this has been my smoothest time zone transition to date, and I've been mostly able to fall asleep and wake up at regular times!
Check back in with me soon-and keep wishing me luck!


  1. Gill! Hope Paris is treating you well (and your family)! Love the blog posts!

  2. thanks Ruth! talk to you soon I hope :) I need your skype name!
