Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One down! Weekend in Belgium :)

This past weekend, I made it to the first stop on my list of travels: Belgium! I left Paris early enough on Sunday morning that I saw the Richard Lenoir market outside my front door being set up in the dark-that was cool! I took an eight a.m. Thalys train to Bruxelles, and than a local train out to Mortsel, where old family friends live.  I first went on a short bike ride to the local bakery, which was made slightly longer by the fact that they are all substantially taller than me, so the bike I was riding was a bit tricky to get a handle on!  After much helping and holding and pushing the bike I was on my way (albeit slightly more anxious than usual not to be wearing a helmet!), and each time I had to start up again people helped me, including their good friend that we ran into along the way haha...I was proud that I was able to pull it off, and the last time I started I got going all on my own!  I spent a great day eating and talking with them (the food was delicious!!), and then the mom and daughter took me into Antwerp on the tram, and the last leg consisted of walking through a long tunnel that went under the river to cross into the city!  We saw  some churches, shopping areas, the new Antwerp museum, which was a really interesting style of architecture, and even strolled through the tiny red light district (which they said I had to see since we were there) was one of the most bizarre things/concepts I have seen...I was a little weirded out to say the least! I got to watch a weekly television program with them with updates on the Belgian royal family, and then we watched Glee!  Apparently it is the dad's (closet) favorite show :) He didn't want to admit how much he liked it, but he laughed when I told him that in the US there is a word for people obssessed with Glee ("Gleeks").  
I took the train back into Bruxelles Monday morning and met up with three friends from Paris! Although the Bruxelles tram system through us for a loop initally, we were finally able to figure out where we were going, and made it to the 2Go4 Hostel, five minutes walk away from the Grand Place.  After dumping our stuff, we went in search of some lunch and were satisfied with delicious plates of moules-frites!  We walked all around the Grand Place, taking pictures, looking for chocolate (which I of course bought some of!), and using our cool interactive maps that we got at the hostel.  We saw about three churches Monday, as well as some ancient towers that now had modern buildings built right into them.  We got dinner at a great little place, with somewhat of an italian influence, and then went to a bar, Delirium, which one friend had found in her guide book as having the record for most types of beer on tap...not really knowing what any of the options were or tasted like, I ended up getting lucky with a pear beer that was really yummy :)
Tuesday we slept in a bit, left our bags at the hostel, and walked around the city again for almost the full day (two days did seem like enough time to see most of the main sights in the city, and to be able to walk around almost all of the city, although we didn't make it to any museums...) We went into the museum of comic books briefly, the museum of chocolate for a longer time, saw the two biggest cathedrals, went back to the Grand Place for some fries at a "friterie", and waffles, and saw the Royal Palace and adjacent park, as well as Parliament! Whew!! we were so tired out by the time we got to the train station Tuesday evening to come back to Paris.  Luckily I had a great book (The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest) with me, that I couldn't put down, so I was able to read quietly on the way back!
It was a great trip, amidst some pretty chilly and drizzly weather, and I had a great time with new and old friends!  Now on to my Belgian chocolate!!
A bientot xoxo

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