Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Je suis...intouchable! (and various fire-cracker-setting french tweens)

Today marked the first day where I got a substantial amount of time to explore the city! All of us walked around Saint-German-des-Pres, popping into churches, shops, and art galleries.  The weather was beautiful, and we first popped into Saint-Sulpice, after a quick group photo outside in front of a pretty fountain.  Next we happened upon the Saint-German-des-Pres Church, the oldest in Paris, dating back to the 9th century!  Descartes is buried there and I happened to be the one to finally find the stone marking his burial place.
We popped into the Adademie des Beaux Arts, even though it is supposed to be visitors only, so we all tried to keep a low profile :)
After taking more pictures in the Pont des Arts, and learning why there are so many padlocks (or cadenas) on the metal railings (couples write or carve their names onto the locks and clasp them onto the bridge <3), I grabbed lunch with a few people in the group and popped into a handful of shops (because the month-long sales began today!!!) around Saint-German, before heading to french class.
We went to see the movie Intouchables, apparently the current most popular film in Paris, and it was really, really good (sort of a Blind Side meets Mar Adentro vibe)!  It was a fun ending to a great (albeit long) day!
I have photos coming that I have accumulated this week and am waiting to dump onto my computer this week when I have more time...check back soon!
A bientot :)
Ohhhh and three french boys (young) were literally throwing LOUD sparklers on the side walk!  Someone commented that if we were in New York a SWAT team would swarm on them in a matter of seconds! 

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