Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crazy days before school starts!

TRYING TO BOOK TRAVEL PLANS for the semester!!!  Also, spent mulllllltiple hours today trying to figure out my schedule! I think I have it down and it includes...duh duh duhnnn a spanish class haha :)
We'll see if I can keep up!  I am also taking history of the international system between 1917-1947, a class called "literature francaise moderne et contemporaine", a class on the history of FOOD which only meets one hour a week, and two art history courses including the one taught by the Boston College coordinator! phewww hopefully I stick with these and don't need to change because that would not be an easy feat!
A bientot :) (wish me luck!) 
p.s. also met an old friend (kind of ) for the first time (kind of ) haha its a long story!

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