Friday, January 13, 2012

The end of a crazy (wonderful) first week...and FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH

I can't believe that I have been in Paris for a week already! I feel like it has been a month... The end of this week I got to do a bunch of really fun things; the only bad thing is my weakling feet have been reacting to the major increase in walking with some pretty anggggry blisters on my toes :(
Yesterday the other girls going to "La Catho" (Institut Catholique de Paris) and I went to check out the course offerings at the school, which wasn't exactly as straight forward of a process as we thought it would be...and then wandered around the 6th and grabbed lunch while finishing up some last minute french homework (which we kind of have a bunch of haha).  Last night a bunch of us went to Rue de la Roquette,  a street recommended to us by many (primarily my dad) for its many cool bars etc... We ended up at something like Yellow Monkey bar, where our waiter turned out to be from Florida (he figured out we were American preeeetty quickly haha).  It was really fun, and super convenient for me, since the street is about a five minute walk from my apartment, which made for an easy walk home!
Today I went back to the 17th arrondissement, right to where I used to live, opened a bank account (felt really grown up/cool doing that in french :), walked by my old school on Van Dyk, through Parc Monceau, where I actually saw my fifth grade english teacher (Mme Pinchon for those of you who remember her!).  She not surprisingly did not recognize me, but it was just bizarre and cool to see her from a distance, walking with this year's batch of eager, chatty, loud fifth graders in adaptation, and think that that was me a whole DECADE ago!
I walked up Avenue Hoche all the way to the Arc de Triomphe, took some touristy pictures, and then strolled down the Champs Elysées.  I was thinking that the Poncelet market (Rue Poncelet) was on a street right off of the Champs Elysées, but later realized it was off of Place des Ternes.  I ended up there an hour or so later, getting lunch with friends, and briefly walked through the market, salivating over the delicious familiar aromas and sounds.  It really is a great place.  
The weather has been beautiful here, although today was a little nippier than I anticipated!  Tonight I am off to get dinner (somewhere?), and then to the Latin Quarter tonight with BC people :) Tomorrow I hope to get some shopping done in Saint German des Pres (aka shoes!) with my fave french cousins :)
A bientot!

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