Thursday, February 16, 2012

Berlin demain matin :)

Tomorrow morning I am off to Berlin! My flight ended up being kind of early for my liking, especially since I am off right now for a bateau mouche nightime trip...but at least I will have the full day tomorrow in Berlin with my two friends.  Last weekend a good friend from Boston College came and visited me for the weekend with two other friends, which was a really good time! We hit up all the touristy spots, and probably walked five to ten miles Friday-Sunday, albeit in the verrrrry cold weather! I'm glad it warmed up this week, although Berlin may very well plunge me back into freezing temperatures haha we shall see!  Another good week of classes, applied to an internship in the US for after I get back this summer, made plans to get together with some friends next week, and spent a wonderful evening with friends last night celebrating an old friends 21st birthday! I had so much fun :) and found a great wine bar to go back to in the future!
Heading out now, will post when I get back from Berlin! gutentag :) (wish I could say "bye for now" or "a bientot" in german, but lets face it, I have about three words in my german vocabulary, and that is optimistic at best! Thank goodness it sounds like everyone in Berlin speaks english!) I am excited because this is the first time I will have traveled to a place I haven't been before "on my own"! 
xoxo A bientotschleinauss (my made up german word for talk to you again soon :)

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